7 strokes

company, firm, office, association, shrine



Common words

  • 社長しゃちょう
    company president, manager, director
  • 会社かいしゃ
    company, corporation, workplace
  • 社会しゃかい
    society, public, community, the world, social studies
  • 本社ほんしゃ
    head office, main office, headquarters, parent company, main shrine, this company, this shrine
  • 社会党しゃかいとう
    Socialist Party
  • 社員しゃいん
    company employee, member of a corporation, company stockholder (esp. in legal contexts)
  • 副社長ふくしゃちょう
    executive vice-president
  • 入社にゅうしゃ
    joining a company, getting a job with a company, starting work at a company
  • 商社しょうしゃ
    trading company
  • 出版社しゅっぱんしゃ
    publisher, publishing house, publishing company
  • 新聞社しんぶんしゃ
    newspaper company
  • 神社じんじゃ
    Shinto shrine
  • 社会人しゃかいじん
    working adult, full-fledged member of society
  • 社会福祉しゃかいふくし
    social welfare
  • 支社ししゃ
    branch office
  • 株式会社かぶしきがいしゃ
    stock company, corporation, kabushiki kaisha, KK
  • 社説しゃせつ
    editorial, leading article, leader
  • 社会科学しゃかいかがく
    social science
  • 社交しゃこう
    social life, social intercourse