10 strokes

stocks, stump, shares, stock, counter for small plants



Common words

  • 株式かぶしき
    share (in a company), stock
  • かぶ
    stock, share, stump, (clump of) roots, plant with attached roots or stem, strain (of bacteria, etc.), stock company, corporation, kabushiki kaisha, KK, goodwill (of a business), privilege (that comes with a role), reputation, standing, popularity, one's forte
  • 株主かぶぬし
    shareholder, stockholder
  • 株式会社かぶしきがいしゃ
    stock company, corporation, kabushiki kaisha, KK
  • 株券かぶけん
    stock certificate
  • 切り株きりかぶ
    stump, stubble