11 strokes




Common words

  • 強化きょうか
    strengthening, intensifying, reinforcement, enhancement, solidification
  • 強制きょうせい
    compulsion, coercion, forcing (to do), enforcement
  • 勉強べんきょう
    study, diligence, working hard, experience, lesson (for the future), discount, price reduction
  • 強力きょうりょく
    powerful, strong
  • 強さつよさ
    strength, power
  • 強硬きょうこう
    firm, strong, unbending, unyielding, uncompromising, stubborn, tough, hard-line
  • 強盗ごうとう
    robber, mugger, robbery, burglary
  • 強気つよき
    confident, assured, self-assured, firm, strong, cocksure, bullish (e.g. market)
  • 強烈きょうれつ
    strong, intense, severe
  • 強引ごういん
    overbearing, coercive, pushy, forcible, high-handed
  • 強めるつよめる
    to strengthen, to emphasize, to emphasise
  • 補強ほきょう
    reinforcement, strengthening
  • 強風きょうふう
    strong wind, high wind, moderate gale
  • 最強さいきょう
  • 強行きょうこう
    forcing (e.g. a vote), carrying out (forcibly), pushing ahead (with), enforcement
  • 強固きょうこ
    firm, strong, solid, stable
  • 力強いちからづよい
    powerful, strong, forceful, vigorous, reassuring, encouraging
  • 粘り強いねばりづよい
    tenacious, persevering, persistent, stubborn, steadfast, sticky
  • 強いつよい
    strong, potent, competent, domineering, tough, strong, brawny, powerful, healthy, rugged, good (at), skilled, knowledgeable, being able to handle, know how to deal (with), durable (against), resistant (to), resilient, firm, rigid, solid, intense, strong, fierce, high, dependable, trustworthy
  • 強いるしいる
    to force, to compel, to coerce, to press, to impose