10 strokes

ill, sick



Common words

  • 病院びょういん
    hospital, clinic, doctor's office, doctor's surgery, infirmary
  • 病気びょうき
    illness (usu. excluding minor ailments, e.g. common cold), disease, sickness, bad habit, bad behaviour, weakness, failing, crazy, insane, disturbed, sick in the head
  • 糖尿病とうにょうびょう
    diabetes, diabetes mellitus
  • 病状びょうじょう
    patient's condition, pathology
  • 病棟びょうとう
    (hospital) ward
  • 難病なんびょう
    incurable disease
  • 病室びょうしつ
    sickroom, hospital room, ward
  • 病床びょうしょう
    sickbed, (hospital) bed
  • 発病はつびょう
    onset of an illness, falling ill
  • 病人びょうにん
    sick person, patient, invalid
  • 病死びょうし
    death from disease, death from illness
  • 看病かんびょう
    nursing (a patient)
  • 病弱びょうじゃく
    weak (constitution), sickly, feeble, in poor health
  • 病むやむ
    to fall ill, to suffer from (e.g. a disease), to have something wrong with (e.g. an inner organ)
  • 急病きゅうびょう
    sudden illness
  • 重病じゅうびょう
    serious illness
  • 性病せいびょう
    venereal disease, sexually transmitted infection, sexually transmitted disease, VD, STI, STD
  • 疫病えきびょう
    epidemic, plague, pestilence
  • 皮膚病ひふびょう
    skin disease
  • 熱病ねつびょう
    fever, febrile disease