9 strokes

departure, discharge, publish, emit, start from, disclose, counter for gunshots



Common words

  • 開発かいはつ
    development, exploitation (of resources)
  • 発言はつげん
    statement, remark, observation, utterance, speech, proposal
  • 発行はっこう
    publication (of a newspaper, magazine, book, etc.), issue, issue (of banknotes, bonds, passport, etc.), raising (an event)
  • 発展はってん
    development, growth, expansion, extension, flourishing, development (of a situation, story, etc.), advancement, progression, unfolding, playing around (sexually; esp. of a male homosexual), having an active sex life
  • 反発はんぱつ
    opposition, rebellion, revolt, resistance, backlash, refusal, rebounding, recoiling, repulsion, rally (e.g. in stock prices), recovery
  • 発表はっぴょう
    announcement, publication, presenting, statement, communique, making known, breaking (news story), expressing (one's opinion), releasing, unveiling
  • 発生はっせい
    occurrence, incidence, outbreak, birth (e.g. of civilization), generation (of power, heat, etc.), production, ontogeny, development, growth, breeding
  • 発売はつばい
    sale, offering for sale, release (for sale), launch (product)
  • 発足ほっそく
    starting, inauguration, launch, founding, establishment, start-up
  • 活発かっぱつ
    lively, active, vigorous, animated, brisk
  • 発見はっけん
    discovery, detection, finding
  • 爆発ばくはつ
    explosion, detonation, blast, blowing up, eruption, outburst (of emotion), explosion (e.g. of anger), eruption (e.g. of discontent)
  • 発想はっそう
    idea, conception, way of thinking, approach, expression
  • 発電はつでん
    generation (e.g. power), sending a telegram, telegraphing
  • 出発しゅっぱつ
    departure, leaving, setting off
  • 発電所はつでんしょ
    power plant, power station
  • 発注はっちゅう
    ordering (materials), placing an order, order
  • 告発こくはつ
    indictment, prosecution, complaint
  • 摘発てきはつ
    exposing, unmasking, laying bare
  • 発掘はっくつ
    excavation, exhumation, digging up, unearthing, discovery (of a new fact, talent, etc.), finding, unearthing