7 strokes

somebody, person, one's station in life



Common words

  • 自身じしん
    (one's) self, oneself
  • 出身しゅっしん
    one's origin (e.g. city, country, parentage, school)
  • 中身なかみ
    contents, interior, filling, substance, content, (sword) blade
  • 全身ぜんしん
    whole (body), full-length (e.g. portrait), systemic
  • 身長しんちょう
    height (of body), stature
  • 身元みもと
    (one's) identity, background, upbringing, birth (and parentage), (one's) character
  • 独身どくしん
    bachelorhood, single, unmarried, celibate
  • 身分みぶん
    (social) standing, status, position, rank, identity, birth, origin, one's circumstances, one's means
  • 終身しゅうしん
    the whole life
  • 心身しんしん
    mind and body
  • 身柄みがら
    one's person
  • 前身ぜんしん
    antecedents, ancestor, previous position, previous existence, predecessor organization, predecessor organisation
  • 身内みうち
    relatives, one's family, friends, members of the same organization, followers, henchmen, one's whole body
  • 変身へんしん
    metamorphosis, disguise, transformation, shapeshifting, morphing
  • 身の回りみのまわり
    one's personal belongings, one's vicinity, one's daily life, everyday necessities
  • 下半身かはんしん
    lower half of the body
  • 身上しんじょう
    one's background, one's history, one's circumstances, one's merit, asset, strong point
  • 上半身じょうはんしん
    upper half of the body, upper body
  • 半身はんしん
    half the body, half length
  • 身近みぢか
    near oneself, close to one, familiar