16 strokes

evade, avoid, avert, ward off, shirk, shun



Common words

  • 避難ひなん
    taking refuge, finding shelter, evacuation, escape, seeking safe haven
  • 回避かいひ
    evasion, avoidance
  • 避妊ひにん
    contraception, birth control
  • 不可避ふかひ
    inevitable, inescapable, unavoidable
  • 逃避とうひ
    escape, evasion, flight
  • 避暑ひしょ
    escaping the summer heat, going somewhere cooler during the summer, summering
  • 退避たいひ
    taking refuge, evacuation, backup (of data)
  • 忌避きひ
    evasion, avoidance, shirking, recusation (of a judge), taking exception (to a judge), challenge