12 strokes

swing, shake, sway, rock, tremble, vibrate



Common words

  • 動揺どうよう
    shaking, trembling, pitching, rolling, oscillation, disturbance, unrest, agitation, excitement, commotion, turmoil, discomposure, feeling shaken
  • 揺るがすゆるがす
    to shake, to swing, to sway, to shock
  • 揺るゆる
    to shake, to jolt, to rock (cradle), to swing
  • 揺らぐゆらぐ
    to swing, to sway, to shake, to tremble, to waver, to feel shaken, to become unstable
  • 揺さぶるゆさぶる
    to shake, to jolt, to rock, to swing, to sway, to shake (e.g. the political world), to disturb, to shock, to upset, to put off a batter (by varying one's type of pitch)
  • 揺るぐゆるぐ
    to shake, to waver, to tremble