7 strokes

judgement, signature, stamp, seal



Common words

  • 批判ひはん
    criticism, judgement, judgment, comment
  • 裁判さいばん
    trial, judgement, judgment
  • 判決はんけつ
    judicial decision, judgement, judgment, sentence, decree
  • 判断はんだん
    judgment, judgement, decision, conclusion, adjudication, divination, judgement
  • 公判こうはん
    public hearing, trial
  • 裁判所さいばんしょ
    court, courthouse
  • 評判ひょうばん
    reputation, (public) estimation, popularity, rumour, rumor, talk (e.g. of the town), fame, notoriety
  • 審判しんぱん
    judgement, judgment, decision, verdict, sentence, refereeing, umpiring, judging, judgement (of God), referee, umpire, judge
  • 判定はんてい
    judgement, judgment, decision, ruling, finding, adjudication, verdict, call
  • 判事はんじ
    judge, judiciary
  • 批判的ひはんてき
    critical, judgmental
  • 判明はんめい
    establishing, proving, ascertaining, identifying, confirming
  • 判例はんれい
    (judicial) precedent