8 strokes

bureaucrat, the government, organ



Common words

  • 官邸かんてい
    official residence (e.g. of the prime minister)
  • 官僚かんりょう
    bureaucrat, government official, bureaucracy
  • 次官じかん
    vice-minister, undersecretary
  • 官房長官かんぼうちょうかん
    Chief Cabinet Secretary (Japan), Chief of Staff (to the President, Prime Minister, etc.), Cabinet Secretary, Executive Secretary
  • 高官こうかん
    high official
  • 国務長官こくむちょうかん
    Secretary of State
  • 警官けいかん
    police officer, policeman, constable
  • 官庁かんちょう
    government office, government agency, authorities
  • 外交官がいこうかん
  • 器官きかん
    organ (of body, plant, etc.)
  • 官吏かんり
    government official, public servant, civil servant
  • 官憲かんけん
    officials, authorities
  • 半官半民はんかんはんみん
    semi-governmental, semi-official
  • 神官しんかん
    Shinto priest