10 strokes

exam, school, printing, proof, correction



Common words

  • 学校がっこう
  • 高校こうこう
    senior high school, high school
  • 高校生こうこうせい
    senior high school student
  • 小学校しょうがっこう
    primary school, elementary school, grade school
  • 校長こうちょう
    principal, head teacher, headmaster, headmistress
  • 中学校ちゅうがっこう
    junior high school, middle school, lower secondary school
  • 登校とうこう
    attendance (at school), going to school
  • 校舎こうしゃ
    school building, schoolhouse
  • 校則こうそく
    school rules, school regulations
  • 将校しょうこう
    commissioned officer
  • 母校ぼこう
    alma mater
  • 高等学校こうとうがっこう
    senior high school, high school
  • 校庭こうてい
    schoolyard, playground, school grounds, campus
  • 休校きゅうこう
    (temporary) closure of school
  • 校閲こうえつ
    revision, proofreading
  • 校正こうせい
    proofreading, calibration
  • 校旗こうき
    school flag