9 strokes

sea, ocean



Common words

  • 海外かいがい
    foreign, abroad, overseas
  • 北海道ほっかいどう
    Hokkaido (island, prefectural-level administrative unit)
  • 海上かいじょう
    on the sea, surface of the sea
  • 海軍かいぐん
  • 海洋かいよう
    ocean, sea
  • 海岸かいがん
    coast, beach
  • 日本海にほんかい
    Sea of Japan
  • 航海こうかい
    (sea) voyage, navigation, sailing, passage, cruise
  • 海底かいてい
    bottom of the ocean, seafloor, seabed, undersea, submarine
  • 海峡かいきょう
    channel (e.g. between two land masses), strait
  • 海水かいすい
    seawater, saltwater
  • 海面かいめん
    sea level, (surface of) sea
  • 領海りょうかい
    territorial waters
  • 公海こうかい
    high seas, international waters
  • 海難かいなん
    accident at sea, sea disaster, shipwreck
  • 海辺うみべ
    beach, seashore, seaside, coast
  • 内海ないかい
    inland sea, inlet, gulf, bay, lake
  • 沿海えんかい
    coast, shore, inshore, coastal waters
  • 海水浴場かいすいよくじょう
    swimming area (in the ocean), swimming beach, seawater baths
  • 海浜かいひん
    seashore, seaside, beach