14 strokes

performance, act, play, render, stage



Common words

  • 公演こうえん
    public performance, exhibition in a foreign country
  • 講演こうえん
    lecture, address, speech
  • 演説えんぜつ
    speech, address
  • 演出えんしゅつ
    direction (of a play, film, etc.), production, organization (of an event), arrangement, staging (for effect), orchestration
  • 出演しゅつえん
    appearance (in a film, play, TV show, etc.), performance
  • 演奏えんそう
    musical performance
  • 演劇えんげき
    drama, theatre, theater, play
  • 演技えんぎ
    acting, performance
  • 主演しゅえん
    starring (in a film, play, etc.), playing the leading part
  • 演習えんしゅう
    practice, exercise, drill, military exercise, manoeuvres, maneuvers, drill, seminar
  • 上演じょうえん
    performance (of a play, opera, etc.), staging, presentation
  • 初演しょえん
    first performance
  • 演芸えんげい
    entertainment, performance
  • 演壇えんだん
    rostrum, platform
  • 演ずるえんずる
    to act (a part), to play (a role), to perform (a play, etc.), to put on (a production), to commit (a blunder), to pretend (e.g. to be a good father), to disgrace oneself
  • 演じるえんじる
    to act (a part), to play (a role), to perform (a play, etc.), to put on (a production), to commit (e.g. a blunder), to disgrace oneself, to do something conspicuously, to make a scene, to pretend (e.g. to be a good father)
  • 独演どくえん
    solo, solo performance