12 strokes

short, brevity, fault, defect, weak point



Common words

  • 短期たんき
  • 短大たんだい
    junior college, vocationally oriented two or three year post-secondary education institution
  • 短歌たんか
    tanka, 31-mora Japanese poem
  • 短縮たんしゅく
    shortening, contraction, reduction, curtailment, abbreviation
  • 長短ちょうたん
    (relative) length, advantages and disadvantages, pluses and minuses, strong and weak points, merits and demerits
  • 短編たんぺん
    short (e.g. story, film)
  • 短距離たんきょり
    short distance, short range, short-haul
  • 短銃たんじゅう
    pistol, revolver
  • 短命たんめい
    short life, short lived
  • 短期大学たんきだいがく
    junior college, vocationally oriented two or three year post-secondary education institution
  • 短いみじかい
    short, brief
  • 短冊たんざく
    tanzaku, long, narrow strip of paper on which Japanese poems are written (vertically), thin rectangle
  • 短所たんしょ
    defect, demerit, weak point, disadvantage
  • 短波たんぱ
    short wave
  • 短刀たんとう
    short sword, knife, dagger, dirk, tantō
  • 短気たんき
    short temper, quick temper, hot temper, impatience, irritability