13 strokes

back, amidst, in, reverse, inside, palm, sole, rear, lining, wrong side



Common words

  • 裏付けうらづけ
    support (e.g. for an argument), backing, proof, evidence, corroboration, substantiation, guarantee, security
  • 裏切るうらぎる
    to betray, to turn traitor to, to double-cross
  • 裏返しうらがえし
    inside out, upside down, flip side, opposite, contrary, reverse
  • 表裏ひょうり
    front and back, inside and outside, two sides, both sides, duplicity, double-dealing, being two-faced
  • 裏口うらぐち
    backdoor, rear entrance, rear exit, unauthorized, illicit, illegal
  • 裏表うらおもて
    back and front, inside and outside, both sides, inside out (e.g. clothing), double-dealing, two faces (cf. two-faced), outward appearance and actual condition, inner workings
  • 裏通りうらどおり
    side street (often parallel to a main street), back street, alley, alleyway
  • 裏返すうらがえす
    to turn inside out, to turn the other way, to turn (something) over
  • 裏道うらみち
    back lane, byway, back street, unfair means, dishonest means