9 strokes

escape, flee, shirk, evade, set free



Common words

  • 逃げるにげる
    to run away, to flee, to get away (e.g. from danger), to escape, to break out, to leave (e.g. one's spouse), to avoid (a question, responsibility, etc.), to evade, to dodge, to shirk, to back away, to win without being overtaken, to hold off the other contenders (until the finish), to keep the lead (and win), to escape (of heat, a gas, etc.), to leak out (e.g. of a scent), to be lost (e.g. of flavor), to fail to hold an ideal posture
  • 逃走とうそう
    flight, desertion, escape
  • 逃亡とうぼう
    escape, flight, running away, elopement, fleeing
  • 逃れるのがれる
    to escape
  • 逃避とうひ
    escape, evasion, flight
  • 逃げ出すにげだす
    to run away, to flee, to make off, to take to one's heels, to escape, to start to run away
  • 逃がすにがす
    to set free, to let go, to release, to miss (e.g. a chance), to lose, to let get away, to fail to catch
  • 逃すのがす
    to miss (e.g. a chance), to lose, to let get away, to set free, to let go, to fail to ...
  • 逃げ道にげみち
    way out, means to escape, escape route
  • 見逃すみのがす
    to miss, to overlook, to fail to notice, to let pass (a matter), to overlook (e.g. a wrongdoing), to turn a blind eye to, to pass up (e.g. an opportunity), to let (a good ball) go by