12 strokes

interval, space



Common words

  • 民間みんかん
    private, non-governmental, non-official, civilian, civil, folk, popular
  • 時間じかん
    time, hour, period, class, lesson
  • 期間きかん
    period, term, interval
  • 人間にんげん
    human being, human, person, man, mankind, humankind, character (of a person)
  • 年間ねんかん
    (period of) a year, during the era (of)
  • 仲間なかま
    companion, fellow, friend, mate, comrade, partner, colleague, coworker, associate, group, company, circle, set, gang, member of the same category (family, class)
  • 中間ちゅうかん
    middle, midway, halfway, centre, center, middle position, moderate position, neutral position, middle-of-the-road position, interim, intermediary, intermediate, midterm
  • 空間くうかん
    space, room, airspace
  • 瞬間しゅんかん
    moment, second, instant
  • 間もなくまもなく
    soon, shortly, before long, in a short time, in a little while, having no time to ..., with no time to ...
  • 世間せけん
    world, society, people, the public
  • 夜間やかん
    night, nighttime
  • 区間くかん
    section (of track, etc.), segment, dimension, interval
  • 間違いまちがい
    mistake, error, blunder, accident, mishap, trouble, improper conduct (e.g. between man and woman), indiscretion
  • 昼間ひるま
    daytime, during the day, time from sunrise until sunset, diurnal period
  • 長時間ちょうじかん
    long time, several hours, long spell
  • 合間あいま
    interval, break, pause, spare moment
  • 手間てま
    time, labour, labor
  • 間近まぢか
    near, close (to), nearby, (drawing) near, approaching, almost here, just around the corner
  • 間隔かんかく
    space, interval, space character, whitespace