4 strokes

pull, tug, jerk, admit, install, quote, refer to



Common words

  • 取引とりひき
    transactions, dealings, business
  • 引き上げひきあげ
    pulling up, drawing up, salvage, re-flotation, raising, increase, upward revision, repatriation, evacuation
  • 引退いんたい
  • 強引ごういん
    overbearing, coercive, pushy, forcible, high-handed
  • 隠し引き出しかくしひきだし
    secret drawer, hidden drawer
  • 引き続きひきつづき
    continuously, continually, without a break, next, then, after that
  • 引き金ひきがね
    trigger (of a gun, etc.), trigger (for something), immediate cause
  • 割引わりびき
    discount, reduction, rebate, tenths discounted, tenths reduced
  • 引き締めひきしめ
  • 引き換えひきかえ
    exchange, conversion
  • 引き出しひきだし
    drawer, withdrawal (of money from an account), variety of knowledge and experience useful for handling things impromptu
  • 引き分けひきわけ
    draw (in competition), tie game
  • 引っ越しひっこし
    moving (dwelling, office, etc.), changing residence
  • 値引きねびき
    price reduction, discount
  • 引責いんせき
    taking responsibility
  • 引き上げるひきあげる
    to pull up, to drag up, to lift up, to increase, to raise (e.g. taxes), to withdraw, to leave, to pull out, to retire, to promote (someone to a higher position), to return home, to expedite the schedule
  • 引き下げるひきさげる
    to pull down, to lower, to reduce, to withdraw
  • 引用いんよう
    quotation, citation, reference
  • 差し引きさしひき
    deduction, subtraction, balance, ebb and flow, rise and fall
  • 引きずるひきずる
    to drag, to trail, to pull along the ground, to lug, to force (someone) along, to drag (along), to prolong, to drag out, to influence, to persuade, to entice, to lure